"And Pillow Talk Turns Into ... Coffee In The Morning"

"And Pillow Talk Turns Into ... Coffee In The Morning"

Querida Sofia, 
Como adoro calhar na música perfeita no momento perfeito. Uma amiga virtual recomendou-me ouvir Miguel no Instagram e descobri "Coffee". Mal posso esperar para criar as melhores das memórias ao longo desta letra maravilhosa e dinâmica. 

Dear Sophie, 
You just cannot phantom how much I love finding the perfect music for the perfect moment. A virtual friend recommended Miguel on my Instagram feed and I discovered "Coffee". I just cannot wait to create the best of memories throughout these vibrant lyrics. 

I wish I could paint our love 
These moments and vibrant hues 
Wordplay, turns into gun play 
And gun play turns into pillow talk 
And pillow talk turns into sweet dreams 
Sweet dreams turns into coffee in the morning


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