1st International Colloquium on Colors and Numbers / I Colóquio Internacional sobre Cores e Números
9-11, April, 2013
Auditório Luiz de Gonzaga
Centro de Humanidades III da UFC
Av. da Universidade, 2995 – Benfica, Fortaleza
Scientific Committee:
André Leclerc (UFC)
Joelma Marques Carvalho (UFC)
Marcos Silva (UFC)
First day (9/apr)
15:00 Dany Jaspers (HU Brussels, Bélgica) Logic, color percepts and nonnatural concepts
16:00 Joao Vergílio Cuter (USP) Colors and Numbers in the Transitional Period
17:00 Marcelo Carvalho (UNESP) Wittgenstein's Phenomenological Investigations: Colors, Numbers and Visual Space in the Philosophische Bemerkungen
18:00 Ingolf Max (Uni Leipzig, Alemanha) Giving Up Logical Atomism By Using Multi-Dimensional Elementary Structures
Second day (10/apr)
9:00 Dany Jaspers (HU Brussels, Bélgica) Generalizing natural concept formation: spatial eixis and numerals
10:00 Mauro Engelmann (UFMG) Some Remarks on Logical Form: Why "weak" and "uncharacteristic"?
11:00 Camila Jourdan (UERJ) Visual numbers and chromatic proportions
14:00 Ludovic Soutif (PUC-Rio) What does it take to exemplify a simples? A fresh look at the debate around the Nature of tractarian Objects
15:00 Guilherme Ghisoni (UFG) The proposition as a cross-section in the stream of experiences
16:00 Ingolf Max (Uni Leipzig) On Wittgenstein's Tractarian Holism
Third day (11/apr)
9:00 Dany Jaspers (HU Brussells, Bélgica) Concept formation and lexical decomposition
10:00 Marcos Silva (UFC) Metaphysics and Secularization of Truth Tables
11:00 Araceli Velloso (UFG) Wittgenstein and Quine: Analyticity, State descriptions and the irreducible character of qualitative properties
12:00 Andre Porto (UFG) Coordinates, Singularity and Negation
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