Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference
Zagreb ⋅ Croatia ⋅ 12-14 June 2013
The Society for the Advancement of Philosophy ( and Center for Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb ( are organizing the ZAGREB APPLIED ETHICS CONFERENCE 2013 (ZAEC 2013). The aim of the conference is to gather philosophers and scholars from other disciplines primarily, but not exclusively, from Central and Southeastern Europe who will present papers on various topics in contemporary applied ethics, ranging from particular case studies to more general (foundational and methodological) considerations. In keeping with the intention to promote rational and critical approach to, and public understanding of, the work in applied ethics, we encourage clearly structured submissions adhering to the principles of conceptual rigor, soundness of argumentation and scientific accuracy.
The plenary lectures at the conference will be given by:
Professor JOHN HARRIS (University of Manchester – Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation)
Professor INGMAR PERSSON (University of Gothenburg – Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science)
Professor LUKAS MEYER (University of Graz – Department of Philosophy).
We invite you to participate in the conference with a paper presentation no longer than 20 minutes (each presentation will be followed by 10 minutes discussion). If you wish to present a paper in the conference, please fill in the attached Application Form and send it to no later than 1 April 2013. The official language of the conference is English. Only one paper submission per person is allowed. No registration fee will be charged. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors by 15 April 2013. The conference will take place at the Center for Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, located in the Borongaj Campus ( The organizers are unable to cover for the expenses of travel and accommodation (for useful info on accommodation in Zagreb see
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