Ode to last night's kiss

Ode to last night's kiss

Shutting down the useless senses to let the ones required overflow. Putting yourself in a frame of mind where you do not listen anymore because you just strive to feel all this. Closing your eyes to sight and light because you want to touch. Giving a meaning to the presence of that nose so that I can breathe you better. I do not demand to see anymore because light comes to me with my eyes wide shut. I do not call for listening to anything, not even a piece of my favorite track, because I know this melody by heart. My mouth fits perfectly in your neck but it is not where it belongs. The encounter of my lips and your reminiscent beard makes me smile. Because I know where it would lead me. Your lips on my forehead makes no sense. Even though it is definitely one of my favorite spots for'em to be. I discover your neck seeking what I can not reach but obviously strive to find. I move towards your chin, that is so perceptively the right path to follow. I do not know if it's a moment to laugh, to giggle or to cry. My lips could and can go just anywhere. We could spend a night or a lifetime in this quest but I can not bear this lingering time any longer. 

Just put your lips on mine for once. Because you want it. Because I wanted it. 
And because we are not meant to be a Picasso painting.


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